圖錄號: 4142
估價RMB: 50,000-60,000
成交價RMB: 57,500(含傭金)
DING CONG (1916-2009), TE WEI (1915-2010) AND SHU QIANG (1915-1999) PORTRAIT OF SHU QIANG
Sketch on paper
Dated between the 1930s and the 1940s
RMB: 50,000-60,000
丁 聰 1916年生于上海。二十世紀三十年代初開始發(fā)表漫畫。1945-1947年在上海發(fā)表了不少較有影響的以“爭民主”為題材的諷刺畫。曾任《人民畫報》副總編輯、全國青聯(lián)常委兼副秘書長、中國美術(shù)家協(xié)會理事、中國漫畫藝術(shù)委員會主任、全國政協(xié)委員。代表作有《駱駝祥子插圖》、《阿Q正傳插圖》、《四世同堂插圖》。
Ding Cong was born in Shanghai in 1916. He began his cartoon composition in the 1930s. Between 1945 and 1947, he posted many a caricature cartoon hinged upon 'striving for democracy' in Shanghai. He served as deputy chief editor of People's pictorial, trustee of China Artist Association. His representative works include Illustration to Luotuo Xiangzi, Illustration to Biography of Ah Q, etc.
特 偉 原名盛松。1915年生于上海。1935年后開始從事國際時事漫畫工作,動畫電影"中國學派"創(chuàng)始人之一,曾任上海美術(shù)電影制片廠第一任廠長。曾獲“1978年南斯拉夫薩格勒布國際動畫片電影節(jié)一等獎”、“1979年丹麥顧登塞國際童話電影節(jié)金質(zhì)獎” 、“1986年獲金雞獎最佳美術(shù)片獎”等。代表作有《驕傲的將軍》、《小蝌蚪找媽媽》、《牧笛》、《山水情》。
Te Wei, originally named as Sheng Song, was born in Shanghai in 1915. In 1935, he started creating international current affairs cartoon. As one of the founders of Chinese animation film, he used to be the first manager of Shanghai Fine Art Film Studio. He was awarded with the First Prize of Zagreb World Festival of Animated Film of 1978, the Gold Prize of the International Children Film of Danmark in 1979, The Best Cartoon of China Golden Rooster Award in 1986, etc. his works include Proud General, Tadpole Looking for Their Mommy, Reed Pipe and Love of Mountains and Waters.
舒 強 原名蔣樹強。戲劇導演。江蘇南京人??谷諔?zhàn)爭爆發(fā)后,在上海救亡演劇四隊任導演。后任重慶中國藝術(shù)劇社演員。曾任華北聯(lián)合大學文藝學院戲劇系主任、中央戲劇學院表演系主任、中央實驗話劇院院長、中國文聯(lián)第四屆委員、中國劇協(xié)第二屆理事和第一、三、四屆常務理事、文化部藝委會委員、第六屆全國政協(xié)委員。導演的話劇有《大風歌》。
Shu Qiang, original named as Jiang Shuqiang, is a drama director. He was born in Nanjinig and worked as director of the Fourth Drama Team of Shanghai Salvation after the outbreak of Anti-Japanese war. Later he became an actor of Chongqing Chian Art Troupe. He served as Director of Drama Department of Literature and Art Department of North-China Union University, Director of Performance Department of Central Academy of Drama, Dean of the Central Experimental Drama Theater, Member of the Fourth Session of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Director of the second session and First, Third and Fourth session of Chinese Theatre Association, a member of Art Committee of Ministry of Culture and Member of the Sixth CPPCC. His repsentative work is Wind Song.
未經(jīng)西泠拍賣網(wǎng)的明確書面特別授權(quán),任何人不得變更、發(fā)行、播送、轉(zhuǎn)載、復制、重制、改動、散布、表演、展示或利用西泠拍賣網(wǎng)的局部或全部的內(nèi)容或服務或在非西泠拍賣網(wǎng)所屬的服務器上作鏡像,否則以侵權(quán)論,依法追究法律責任。特別地,本網(wǎng)站所使用的所有軟件歸屬西泠印社拍賣有限公司所有, 受《中華人民共和國著作權(quán)法》計算機軟件保護條例及國際版權(quán)公約法律保護。除經(jīng)本網(wǎng)站特別說明用作銷售或免費下載、使用等目的外,任何其他用途包括但不限于復制、修改、經(jīng)銷、轉(zhuǎn)儲、發(fā)表、展示演示以及反向工程均是嚴格禁止的。否則,本網(wǎng)站將依據(jù)《中華人民共和國著作權(quán)法》及相關(guān)法律追究經(jīng)濟賠償和其它侵權(quán)法律責任。